Group Guidelines

Determine group guidelines

When working with a group to create guidelines, it is critical that all voices are heard and that everyone agrees with the framework.


  • Meetings. Determine frequency and location. Meetings can be in-person or virtual based on project needs and group preferences. 
  • Facilitation. Decide how to assign roles. Will roles rotate? Will there be an agenda and notes?
  • Responsibilities. Identify both individual responsibilities (i.e. arriving prepared, on-time, etc.) as well as project responsibilities (i.e. how are tasks assigned and progress tracked?). Also consider how will concerns about individual or group responsibilities be addressed.
  • Communication. Share contact information and determine how your group will communicate (email, text, Slack, etc.). Also establish expectations regarding frequency of communication or missing meetings or deadlines.
  • Decision-making. How do people tend to approach conflict and how are decisions made?  Will you vote and majority rules, or do all members need to agree?
  • Assessment. Decide how frequently the group should review how well the team is functioning. Often times, a verbal 'how are we doing?' is not enough.
  • Tasks & Timelines. Determine project tasks, assignments, and timelines so that responsibilities are clear and work isn’t left until the last minute. Consider using a shared Google calendar and task list to stay organized.