Then, make a plan to improve.
Instructor expectations: What were the kinds of questions asked? Did you study the wrong kind of information/problems? Did content come more from book or lecture? Will this change how you study? Consider using instructor office hours if you have questions!
Studying: How much did you study? Was it spaced out or crammed the night before?
Selection: Should you approach readings more strategically or consider more effective note-taking strategies? Are there items you missed in the syllabus? Did old tests contain clues or actual test items?
Techniques: Did you organize yourself? Did you think critically? Did you memorize the content? Should you consider new study strategies?
Tutors: Did you seek assistance from a tutor?
Writing: Do you need writing assistance for the next exam? Take the exam with you to discuss ways you can improve. Can you obtain examples of answers that were expected for the exam?
Time: Should you improve organization strategies before the next exam? Should you budget time differently and/or more effectively?