Before the Exam

Take care of yourself

Make healthy choices. In the days before your exam, eat well, exercise, and get a full night’s sleep (7-9 hours). Consider trying a couple relaxation techniques.

Do not cram at the last second

Study smarter, not harder. Instead of cramming, identify study time every day leading up to the test. 

Take breaks! It’s not effective to study four and five hours straight. Break up study sessions. Try using the Pomodoro Technique

Organize items needed for the exam

Ready any resources that your instructor permits during testing.

Ensure that your laptop is charged and your wifi connection is reliable (if testing online).

Identify a quiet space for taking the test (if testing online).

Notify your roommates about the test, consider sharing calendars, or posting a 'Test' sign as a reminder (if testing online).

Feeling nervous?

Try journaling. Write down your fears on paper or draw a picture of them.

Focus on the good. Envision doing something that you enjoy and apply those feelings towards the exam.

Develop a good ‘morning-of’ routine

Start off right on exam day, eat a healthy breakfast that releases energy slowly; oatmeal, almonds, and fruit are all good choices. Limit caffeine and sugar which can lead to unpredictable crashes.

Get on the move. Get a bit of physical exercise, even if it is a brief stretch or brisk walk.

Arrive early to the test location. This allows you to select a seat that you prefer, perhaps away from the door to minimize distractions when people leave, etc.

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