Get a Little Help

Use your professors

Meet during your instructor's office hours. Consider the following when you ask your questions:

  • Ask “how do you think through this question or problem?" The answer will give you insight in how knowledge is applied. This increases memory of concepts and flexibility in answering future questions.
  • Avoid “show-me” questions. A professor showing you how to solve a problem or what to notice in a reading is unlikely to be very helpful in deepening your own understanding or committing material to memory for later application.
  • Make use of returned exams. Find out why you lost points and what was expected in a correct answer. Do not delay. Schedule a meeting with your instructor during the week following the exam while the material is still fresh in your mind.

Use study groups

To get the most out of a study group, work together to fill gaps in your collective knowledge. What do you grasp that the others do not? What does someone else see that you are missing? 

  • Define the group's purpose. Some groups meet weekly to review class material while other groups are formed to review for specific exams. 
  • Identify expectations. Are group members expected to prepare study guides or practice questions? How do group members communicate with each other if they are unable to attend a meeting?
  • Schedule sessions in a convenient, comfortable space. If meeting online, what format is used? If meeting in-person, how is social distancing supported? 
  • Stay focused. Consider identifying a group moderator to help keep the group on topic and on time. Consider defining study activities for each session.