Knowing what makes you anxious and developing habits to cope are extremely important. If tests are something that cause anxiety for you, recognize the signs and find ways that help you manage it. 

Test Anxiety 

Signs of anxiety include physical symptoms, like nausea, headaches, trembling, loss of sleep, changes to appetite, or dizziness. Symptoms can also be emotional and mental such as overthinking, or blanking out. How can you manage these symptoms before they become overwhelming?  Here are a few things to try.

Ask for help

Photo: Student talking with University staff person

There is no shame in asking for help when you’re struggling in a class. See a tutor, reach out to your peers, join (or form) a study group, talk to your TA, or ask your professor questions during office hours. There are multiple options for help - if one doesn't quite work, try another! 

Plan ahead - do not cram

Cramming makes anxiety worse since you are worrying about how much time you have left rather than focusing on the class content. It is best to schedule study time well in advance of the test. Set aside specific blocks of time to study and list what you plan to study in a particular session. You’ll remember material better and you will be less stressed come test day. 

Find a study environment that works for you

You’ll do your best studying when you’re comfortable. Find a study space that works best for you!