Group Stage - Storming

Storming stage

As work begins, members discover that the group can't live up to all of their early excitement. Focus may shift from the work that needs to be done to feelings of frustrations or concerns about being unable to meet the team's goals. During this stage, members are learning how the team will respond to and manage conflict.


Interactions may be less polite as members express frustration about issues and/or other members of the team. 

Team tasks

Refocusing on the project may help. A review of the team's goals, roles, and tasks can help team members move past frustration. The team may also need to develop both task-related skills, and conflict management skills. 

Team members should:

  • Talk about disagreements early to avoid problems.
  • Revisit any initial group guidelines that your team created and revise them if necessary.
  • Identify ways to get your team to come to a common agreement that will help you be successful together and maintain amicable relationships.